On this day, my host mother woke me up around 7:30 a.m. and after making the bed and taking a shower, I left my room to the dining room where they were waiting for me to have breakfast. Since it was my first day there, they didn't have much prepared for me. , so I had a bowl of typical cereals from there for breakfast, around 8:35 we left the house and Liz took us to Scoil Pol by car, there they drive very fast and the towns were not very far away, so it took us around 5 minutes, it had been a long time. It's hot for Ireland, but we had to wear dark, long-sleeved clothes to school. Upon arrival, Liz parked in a special parking lot for teachers, since she works at Scoil Pol, and we went down a hill and some stairs to the institute. When we entered, some of the Spanish students who had already arrived were sitting on a bench next to us. the gym and there we all got together, since first thing in the morning we had a musical. We met several Spaniards who were on exchange for 1 year who were very nice, and after several hours passed, recess arrived, and all the Spaniards from Logroño went to the outside patio (the entrance to the school) and ate our lunches in the grass, these lunches were very varied and large, and the day seemed long since the classes and the school day are longer than in Spain, also they left later than us and 3 days a week they were there until 3:45 in class. When we left class, they took us home, and at 5, we had dinner, it was super early for me, but after that time we didn't go back to dinner so soon, after that, as it was Thursday, we headed to a nearby town where, Dillon, my host brother, had basketball training, so while he was training, Liz and I went to SuperValu, a very popular supermarket chain in Ireland, they always shopped there, since Dillon's brother, Thomas, worked there as a butcher. There, Liz told me that I could take whatever I wanted and after shopping, we picked up Dillon and returned home, which was 15 minutes away. When we arrived, we were all talking in the kitchen until we went to sleep, and that day I went to bed very early because I was exhausted.
Here are some pics of this day:
This is a delicious wrapped chicken sandwich you could buy for 3,5€ in the Canteen.

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