September 6 - First Day
First of all, this day I was very nervous, since I was going to Ireland, it was the second time I was flying and I was so nervous to meet my host family that my heart was going to burst. But fortunately everything went well: at 10am, I went to the old bus station in LogroƱo, where we took a bus to Bilbao. Upon arriving in this city, around 12pm we took another bus that took us to the airport, where we still had to wait 2 hours to check in and at 2:55pm the flight was leaving, unfortunately it was delayed 50 minutes, until 3:45pm, and we boarded around 3:25pm, on the plane, I was alone, but with my friend Alba was behind me, so when we took off, since no one sat next to Alba, Naroa and I sat next to her so we could be together, and around 6pm in Ireland we landed, we waited 30 minutes at the airport to collect suitcases and we waited for Ms Fogarty to arrive with the Irish people, they had a private bus, so we all got on and were on the bus for 4 hours from Dublin to Kilfinanne, where our host family would pick us up. When we arrived, Liz, my host mother, and Alannah, my host sister, were there. They were lovely and showed me a little of the town even though it was dark while we were heading to Ardpatrick, where they lived.
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